28. února 2010

Další nezměrné hrdinství

motto: "Omlouváme se všem slušným čtenářům za to, že jsme zrušili diskusi pod článkem. Někteří jiní ji bohužel zneužívali k opakovaným antisemitským a vulgárním výpadům, které už nešlo mazat jednotlivě."

Kreutzfeld upozornil na další nezměrné hrdinství z rodu, jaké popisoval Василий Семенович Гроссман nebo יעקב ויירניק (Jankiel Wiernik):

"On one occasion a girl fell out of line. Nude as she was, she leaped over a barbed wire fence three meters high, and tried to escape in our direction. The Ukrainians noticed this and started to pursue her. One of them almost reached her but he was too close to her to shoot, and she wrenched the rifle from his hands. It wasn't easy to open fire since there were guards all around and there was the danger that one of the guards might be hit. But as the girl held the gun, it went off and killed one of the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians were furious. In her fury, the girl struggled with his comrades. She managed to fire another shot, which hit another Ukrainian, whose arm subsequently had to be amputated. At last they seized her. She paid dearly for her courage. She was beaten, bruised, spat upon, kicked and finally killed. She was our nameless' heroine."

Iveta Polochová v Mladé frontě v nejlepší tradici Blistů připravila výtah z Times. Když bylo Denisu Aveymu 90, tak si vzpomněl na starý příběh z války, neuvěřitelně podobný příběhu Charlieho Cowarda: "On one occasion a note was smuggled to him from a Jewish-British naval doctor who was being held in Monowitz. Coward determined to contact him directly and managed to swap clothes with an inmate on a work detail and spent the night in the Jewish camp, seeing at first hand the horrific conditions in which they were held." jak byl zachycen ve velkolepém filmu The Password Is Courage (1962): "Although the film claims that it is Based on a true story, it doesn't say how close (or distant) it is to that true story. The final escape in the film is obviously based on The "Great Escape" although Coward wasn't involved in that, he wasn't even in the same camp. People that served with him have claimed that a lot of the stories in his book actually happened to other people and it seems that the film has diverted from the truth even more by borrowing events that happened to other people." (trailer) A pak, že se historie neopakuje.

Avey si pamatuje úžasné detaily: "As we passed beneath the Arbeit Macht Frei [work makes you free] sign, everyone stood up straight and tried to look as healthy as they could. There was an SS officer there, weeding out the weaklings for the gas." a "the infirmary, which sent its patients to the gas after two weeks." Po právu nyní přednáší pro Chabad-Lubavitch Society.

A co na to Israel? Доверяй, но проверяй: ""Z pochopitelných důvodů tato pocta nemůže být založena jen na samotném Aveyho tvrzení," uvedla mluvčí Jad Vašem Susan Weisbergová."