1. února 2009

Assimilace a integrace

Rozhovor s Alainem de Benoistem. Stanislas-Marie-Adélaïde, comte de Clermont-Tonnerre, zavražděný jakobíny, prohlásil: « Il faut tout refuser aux Juifs comme nation et tout accorder aux Juifs comme individus. »

"There are only two models for the construction of Europe: the empire and the nation-state. The latter, which became a political concept with the Revolution, is directly linked to individualism as a value (Louis Dumont). Too big to solve little problems, too small to solve big ones, it is especially incapable of controlling the trans-state expansion of an economic sphere which has become globalized. The empire, understood in the most traditional sense, seems to be the only model which can reconcile the one and the many: it is the polity which organizes the organic unity of its different components while respecting their autonomy. As a European citizen of French nationality, I am one of those "federalists" Le Pen denounces who believes it is possible to create a federal political unity in Europe on the basis of peoples and regions. What bothers me is that I do not see the Maastricht Treaty leading to an autonomous, politically sovereign Europe determined to acquire the equivalent of what the Monroe Doctrine was for the US, but rather a phantom of Europe, a Europe of the unemployed, the absent and the impotent, a free trade zone governed on the theoretical level by ultra-liberal monetary principles and, on the practical level, by administrators and bankers who neither have a political project nor democratic legitimacy … There is talk for example, of "transfers of sovereignty." I am not opposed to this. But what new sovereign entity do they benefit? They benefit no one, so that the so-called transfers really only represent the abandonment of sovereignty."

2 komentáře:

  1. Hezky řečeno, ale skutečný program to není, chybí tam jakýkoli nástin jak se ke kýženému stavu dostat, bez toho jde o plané řeči.

  2. Jan: Pletete si společenskou/filozofickou kritiku s politikou. Ta první je k tomu, aby nastínila pozadí, naznačila ideje, ale jen politika je může uvést v praxi. Podobně jako mnoho dalších myslitelů si Alain de Benoist na politika nehraje. Znamená to, že jsou jeho názory k ničemu? Kdo je důležitější; John Locke, Adam Smith, J. S. Mill, nebo politikové, kteří jejich názory uvedli v praxi (Benjamin Disraeli, Ronald Reagan, Tony Blair)..? Dle mého má každá skupina separátní úlohu a jsou na sobě navzájem závislé: politika nemůže být bez idejí, stejně jako ideje nemohou být bez politiky.


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